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Hold the Innovation! First, Build a Solid Foundation

Added on July 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: A few years ago, I asked the financial planning class that I was teaching who invented the light bulb. One seemingly bright student answered, “Benjamin Franklin, who flew a kite that was hit by lightning and he trapped electricity in a jar.” I tried not to hold this answer against him when it came time to hand out final grades.

Why investing in local, SEO-driven adviser websites is the new priority

Added on June 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: For years, companies have focused on optimizing their corporate websites to show off their brands. Fortune 500 companies spend billions of dollars each year on brand marketing and a lot of their digital traffic is driven toward company websites. According to a recent eMarketer report, digital ad spending in the U.S. will be nearly $60 billion this year, over $7 billion of which will be spent by companies in the financial services industry.

The Best Way for Advisors to Stand Out

Added on June 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: In early June, I was on a panel with two advisors at the Pershing Insite Conference in Orlando discussing how independent advisors can differentiate themselves from their competitors. My co-panelists were excellent and insightful, and I was struck by the fact that in the advisory industry the need for differentiation has become greater than ever before.  

Advisor, Know Thyself (to Better Serve Your Clients)

Added on June 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: The key for financial advisors to understand their clients is to understand themselves first, guest-blogger John Pierce writes in InvestmentNews. And to attract and impress clients, adds The Wall Street Journal’s guest-columnist Vince Esposito, getting known as a thought leader can help tremendously.

How to meet robo-advisers head on

Added on June 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Let's face it: robo-adviser technology is here to stay. As full-service financial advisers, we will have to ramp up our communication strategies and combine them with first-class services and distinctive products to ensure that we will not only survive, but also thrive, as automated platforms amass a greater market share in the coming years. And in no uncertain terms, it means beating the robots at their own game.

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