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When Should You Publicize AUA Over AUM?

From Financial Advisor IQ
Added on August 2016 in M&A Issues
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Summary: While still a mega-deal by most measures, another view lowers its size by nearly 39%. That’s due to the fact that Tiedemann’s publicized number counts assets under advisement. Using assets under management, however, the combo’s total falls to roughly $8 billion.

To Grow Through Acquisition, Sell Your Own Practice First

From WealthManagement.com
Added on August 2016 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Over the last 11 years I’ve attended and participated in dozens of conferences and break-out sessions on the topic of M&A within the wealth management industry. When I am speaking or as a panel member, I often kick the session off with these questions: “By show of hands, how many buyers are in the audience?” Most hands go up. “Keep your hands up. How many have executed one transaction?” A few hands stay up. “How many of those have executed more than one?” One hand stays up, maybe.

RIA mega-merger — how big is it really?

From Financial Planning
Added on August 2016 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Yes, the merger of New York-based Tiedemann Wealth Management and San Francisco-based Presidio Capital Advisors is one of the most significant wealth management deals of the year.

Tiedemann Wealth Management and Presidio Capital Advisors merge in large RIA deal

From InvestmentNews
Added on August 2016 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Tiedemann Wealth Management is merging with Presidio Capital Advisors, a deal that stands out in the registered investment adviser industry for its large size.

RIAs looking to buy are giving solo-adviser practices another look

From InvestmentNews
Added on August 2016 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Growth opportunities for advisory firms may need to come from acquiring individual advisers, rather than larger firms, because that's where buyers are most likely to find willing sellers, according to a new InvestmentNews/BlackRock study.

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