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Want to Sell Your Firm? Then Get Your Head Right

Added on August 2017 in M&A Issues
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Summary: It’s coming to pass as industry watchers have predicted time and again through the last twenty years. With baby-boomer financial advisors surging into and past traditional retirement age their RIAs are changing hands at an ever-faster pace. But some experts warn this activity comes at a steep price – not least in emotional terms for the seller.

Why Even the Best-Laid M&A Deals in Wealth Management Can Fail

Added on July 2017 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Even the most logical, well-thought-out mergers and acquisitions between wealth management firms can fail. But companies can do a lot to make sure they identify a bad fit before it's too late.

National Holdings' acquisition of broker-dealer WFG Investments and its 200 advisers called off

Added on July 2017 in M&A Issues
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Summary: National Holdings' deal to acquire WFG Investments, an independent broker-dealer, has fallen apart.

Does your RIA firm have a shelf life?

Added on June 2017 in M&A Issues
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Summary: In our most recent Wealth Management M&A Transaction report, we identified three core ingredients that large RIA acquirers are looking for: adding next-generation talent to their employee base, expanding into new geographies and building density in specific markets to increase scale and efficiencies.

Surviving and Thriving After a Merger

Added on April 2017 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Mergers and acquisitions are very tricky. Firms spend a great deal of time focusing on the financial deal, but not enough time figuring out “the human element” and how everyone will fit under a new culture. You are clearly caught in this where there wasn’t a defined role, and you are trying to find a place to make a difference.

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