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Big Texas Merger Blends Wirehouse and Indie Practices

Added on September 2017 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Increasing sophistication around independent RIA support was vital to the merger this past week of breakaway wealth shop Syntal Wealth Partners and a prominent Merrill Lynch team in Dallas. But friendship and complementary skill sets – forged over more than a decade – were the real catalysts, say those who made the deal.

Want to Sell Your Firm? Then Get Your Head Right

Added on August 2017 in M&A Issues
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Summary: It’s coming to pass as industry watchers have predicted time and again through the last twenty years. With baby-boomer financial advisors surging into and past traditional retirement age their RIAs are changing hands at an ever-faster pace. But some experts warn this activity comes at a steep price – not least in emotional terms for the seller.

Why "Sustainable" Firms are Worth More

Added on August 2017 in M&A Issues
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Summary: RIA owners often ask “What is my firm worth?” Many believe valuation multiples are relatively uniform across the RIA spectrum. In fact, valuations vary greatly, and are driven by what we call “sustainability.”

Private equity investors zero in on the RIA business

Added on August 2017 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Private equity has discovered the financial advice industry, which can represent a whole new set of opportunities — and challenges — for advisory firms.

Buy the Book: A Growth Strategy Worth Considering: Blog

Added on August 2017 in M&A Issues
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Summary: The opportunity to take over a book of business is something sought after by virtually every advisor, and most would assume that every such opportunity should be pursued vigilantly. But are there times when advisors should walk away, as tempting as it may be on the surface to add assets—whether they are acquired, inherited from a senior partner, or as a result of strategic alliances.

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