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What do millennial advisers really want?

Added on June 2016 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Many industry leaders turn to millennials to find that talent. However, many firms are not sure how to fully tap a millennial’s potential and some fear burning out their young employees.

How Building a Succession Plan Can Increase Your Firm's Value

Added on June 2016 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Industry participants have articulated the risks of not having a succession plan for years: lack of continuity for clients, inability for advisors to realize the value of their life’s work, and risk for employees in terms of their long-term employment

Defining Internal Succession and the Next Generation Owner

Added on June 2016 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: News flash ... the advisor population is aging. Anyone in this industry knows this. Industry advocates have consistently called for better succession planning, that which promotes the long-term sustainability of RIA firms. 

9 Ways to Create a Culture of Cybersecurity

Added on June 2016 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: The biggest stumbling block for registered investment advisors when it comes to guarding against cybersecurity breaches is not technology-based, it's a people problem. The right technology is critical, but RIA leaders can face a bigger challenge in fostering a cybersecurity-sensitive culture in a way that resonates throughout all levels of their firms. 

The Importance of Job Descriptions

Added on June 2016 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: While many firms use job descriptions only when they have an open position they need to fill, we believe the job description is the most important tool in not only attracting new talent but also retaining and managing your current talent.

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