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Social Media Strategies of High-Growth Firms

Added on December 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Our clients don’t want to have to rely on you for everything—they want information to make educated choices. And the way to engage them and other prospective clients is through content development and social media, found a recent study.


How to Use Social Media to Attract Clients And Not Land on the Naughty List

Added on December 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram can be powerful business-generating tools for reaching out to new and existing clients alike, especially as using email blasts to send holiday greetings is a dinosaur method today. Navigating the wild sleigh ride that is social media can be a challenge, but you don’t have to do it unguided, as handy elves have put together the following list of holiday social media do’s and don’ts.

How to Tell If Your Team is About to Stop Being One

Added on December 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Partnering up with other advisors can be exciting and lucrative, but when partnerships fall apart, everyone loses, former financial advisor Norb Vonnegut writes in the Wall Street Journal.

Advisory Firms' Use of Social Media Has Come a Long Way

Added on December 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: According to a recent study from Putnam Investments, more than 80% of the advisors it surveyed said that they use social media for their business, reflecting how firms are finally figuring out the regulatory boundaries for communicating online.

Danger, Will Robinson! Will robots take over the financial advice industry?

Added on December 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: The future of the financial advice industry will inevitably involve a lot of technology, but robo-advice platforms will not replace the human touch of a good adviser. That was among the top themes on Tuesday in Miami at the kick-off of the MarketCounsel Summit, an event catering to independent financial advisers.

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