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More advisers are embracing the virtual world

From InvestmentNews
Added on June 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: When Kate Holmes launched her financial advisory business two years ago, she planned on rarely, if ever, meeting with clients face-to-face. Still, she decided to rent a small office near her home outside Las Vegas because she didn't think she would appear legitimate to prospective clients without a physical location.

Shift from sales to planning fuels fee-only business

Added on June 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: One of the more enduring outcomes of the financial crisis has been the migration of advisors and assets from the investment sales model of the Wall Street wirehouses to the fiduciary model of fee-only RIAs. A small but growing model, these financial professionals believe if an advisor offers product options to clients, even where appropriate, that advisor may be conflicted, regardless of disclosures

This 99-year-old adviser has never lost a client

From InvestmentNews
Added on June 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: As she nears 100, Irene Bergman has some advice for enjoying a long career on Wall Street: Don't do anything stupid.

More than ever, advisers make a splash with social media

From InvestmentNews
Added on May 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Two separate surveys, one by Smarsh Inc., a compliance company, and another by Cogent Reports' Advisor Media Consumption, which collects data on financial advisers, both found that advisers are breaking down the barriers and using social media for their businesses.

5 Ways to Perfect Your LinkedIn Profile

From Inc.
Added on May 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: If your LinkedIn profile reads more like a resume, you're making a huge mistake -- especially if you're hoping to land new customers. But don't just take my word for it. I recently talked with Mike Derezin, Vice President of LinkedIn Sales Solutions (and therefore a guy perfectly placed to know what helps small businesses gain new customers and build stronger business relationships), about ways you can create the perfect LinkedIn profile.

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