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Kitces: Tech trend will lead advisers into niche practices

From Financial Planning
Added on June 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Advisers have adopted technology long before robo advice entered the market, said Michael Kitces, partner and director of wealth management for Pinnacle Advisory Group, at the Pershing Insite 2016 conference. But these digital tools offer a new opportunity for advisers to focus, he added.

Advisers ignore these trends at their peril

From Financial Planning
Added on June 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Working on my new book about financial planning forced me to think hard about an important question: What do planners most need to know in order to be successful at providing great value and service to their clients, and succeeding personally and financially as professionals?

RIAs are losing their competitive advantage

From InvestmentNews
Added on June 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: For years, RIAs have marketed themselves as being a cut above their counterparts in the brokerage industry. While they followed a fiduciary standard, requiring them to act in their clients' best interests at all times, brokers were merely required to make sure their advice was suitable to the financial circumstances of their clients.

Building Connectivity: An Interview with Scott D. Welch of Dynasty Financial Partners

Added on June 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: We recently sat down with Scott D. Welch, CIMA, Chief Investment Officer at Dynasty Financial Partners to discuss the growing popularity of third-party research platforms and other trends driving wealth management today. We also touched on his market outlook and thoughts on positioning client portfolios.     

Thirteen True Differentiators for Financial Advisors

From WealthManagement.com
Added on June 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: NEW YORK CITY — “I don’t mean to sound cynical, but this is New York and people don’t fall for B.S.,” Josh professed as he segued into his real question, “Let’s face it, we’re all just stockbrokers, with similar platforms and similar products. How in the world can you really differentiate yourself from the thousands of advisors in the metropolitan area?”

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