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Advisers finding more social media success

From InvestmentNews
Added on October 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Financial advisers are increasingly comfortable tweeting and posting to Facebook and LinkedIn as securities regulators have made their expectations about social media more clear.

Seven Tips for Building the Perfect Day

From WealthManagement.com
Added on October 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Have you ever had a moment at the end of a long day where you thought,  "Wow, I got a lot done today?" Most of us have. It’s a good feeling.  Maybe you wouldn’t call it “perfect,” but it represents an ideal 24 hour cycle of your most important actions. 

Adviser shares two technology must-haves to help land prospects

From InvestmentNews
Added on October 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: The experience that financial advice clients expect today has evolved, and firms that don't have speedy service are going to get rolled over, said Alex Murguia, managing principal of McLean Asset Management in McLean, Va. He is also a board member of inStream Solutions, a financial planning system. What's even more surprising is the role Mr. Murguia sees technology playing for future advisers — and it has nothing to do with robo-advice. 

7 Hidden Opportunities to Increase Your Company's Value

Added on October 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Some of the best opportunities for a company to improve its value lie hidden in plain view. Again and again in our strategy work for professional services firms we encounter a common set of problems that weaken profits and rob firms of their competitive advantage. But these problems, if solved, can become powerful opportunities. Fixing these problems can create strategic advantage and improve a firm’s long-term performance and value.

Let Clients Talk \- and Be Surprised What You Learn

From Financial Advisor IQ
Added on October 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: This time we hear from Bobby Feldman, a Pittsburgh, Pa.-based partner and financial advisor with Snowden Lane Partners, an independent wealth advisory firm with offices across the country. He describes how much he’s learned about clients by letting them do the talking.

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