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Women go nontraditional with new advisory practices

From InvestmentNews
Added on November 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: To hear Carol Craigie and Catalina Franco-Cicero describe their business model, you'd think they were running some kind of physical fitness center rather than a financial planning shop.

5 Grave Mistakes Financial Advisors Make on LinkedIn

From Don Connelly & Associates
Added on November 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: You already know how dangerous for your business not using LinkedIn could be, don’t you? With more than 5 million affluent investors on the network, Financial Advisors cannot afford to overlook using it as a networking and  prospecting tool.

5 Simple Steps to Stay Focused on Getting the "Right" Things Done

Added on November 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: We’re rapidly approaching the end of the year and you’re all starting to realize you still have a great deal of work to be done! But, let me ask you: Does all of it have to be done?

Using Technology to Grow Your Business

From LinkedIn Pulse
Added on November 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Technology can sometimes be as much an encumbrance to a firm as it can be an asset. An implementation can take more hours than expected, a software update can break a process that had been working seamlessly, or a webinar audio can drop during the most important section of a presentation.

Make Hiring a Priority or Get Left Behind

From Cruz Consulting Group
Added on November 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: The success of your business is largely in the hands of the people who work for you, and the relationship you and your team have with your clients is in essence your business’ secret sauce. It follows then that one of the most important decisions you can make — a decision that has lasting impact on the long-term success of your business — is who you choose to hire.

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