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Help staff \- and your firm \- grow and thrive

From WealthManagement.com
Added on January 2017 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: As planners, part of our job is to help clients overcome their decision inertia by reducing any complexity and uncertainty that may exist. This helps them feel confident that they are likely to achieve their desired outcome just by regularly doing everything laid out in their financial plan.

4 Reasons Best-in-Breed Tech Is Best Bet for Advisors

From ThinkAdvisor
Added on January 2017 in Manage Your Practice
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AI, a computer science that analyses data to make predictions or solve problems, could replace up to 45% of U.S. jobs within 20 years, according to Oxford University. Those include higher-complexity roles like accountants and financial advisors.

Are You Bleeding Money on Tech Because Your Business Model Is Broken?

Added on December 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Financial advisory firms continue to bleed money on tech with failed adoption rates. So we asked why and here is the answer: You can NOT adopt tech without first deciding your business model. This may seem like common sense but humor us and read below so you don’t make the same mistake as your peers.​

RIAs find it easy to justify spending more on technology in 2017

From InvestmentNews
Added on December 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Technology is a necessity in the modern financial advice industry, and not staying ahead of it is essentially the same as ignoring it altogether.

How to Sniff out the B.S. In a Marketing Proposal

Added on December 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: I admit it. I didn’t get it for a long time. There I was, working in-house at advisor firms, putting out RFPs to marketing agencies and consultants as part of my daily job responsibilities. The proposals would come back. I’d review them, cheerfully nodding at all the big promises, all the corporate happy talk.

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