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Voices Relying on cloud services? Expand your cyber defenses

From Financial Planning
Added on February 2017 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: In order to provide real-time access to personal account and investment information, advisory firms use cloud-based technologies to deliver new products and services to their clients. Unfortunately, doing so provides cyber criminals with an access point to seize sensitive financial information for ransom or sale.

Most financial fraud victims share specific character traits: AARP survey

From InvestmentNews
Added on February 2017 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Investors most susceptible to fraud typically exhibit an unusually high degree of confidence in unregulated investments and tend to trade more actively than the general investor population, according to survey results from AARP.

New robo adviser for Hispanic clients speaks their language

From Financial Planning
Added on February 2017 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Startups like Finhabits represent the broadening of digital advice offerings into even more niche audiences, fintech execs and observers say. Garcia, founder of Finhabits, notes the higher fees are accepted by his clients because the specialized platform's presence in those communities is a value in itself.

Three Ways Independent Advisors Need to Adapt to Truly Be 'Full Service'

From WealthManagement.com
Added on February 2017 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Due to the rise of "robo advisors" and other digital platforms, retail investors have access to a broad range of relatively cheap and highly sophisticated third-party asset management offerings. So, while asset management will always be a component of any independent advisory practice, the day is fast upon us—if it hasn’t come already—when it can no longer be the principal focus. 

10 ways to embrace trends radically changing financial advice

From InvestmentNews
Added on February 2017 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Financial advisers today face changing client needs, technology-driven disruptions, increasing competition and other businesses pressures, but there are ways for them to leverage these transformations, according to Michael Kitces and Alan Moore, co-founders of the XY Planning Network. They presented these suggestions at the TD Ameritrade National LINC 2017 conference in San Diego.

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