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Don't Let Time Be Your Enemy

From Pinnacle Advisor Solutions
Added on December 2013 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Time passes quickly. Indeed, it seems to pass faster every year. Think back. What goals did you have in mind when you launched your practice five, ten, fifteen or even twenty years ago? Some of you will have succeeded beyond expectations. Others will wonder where the years went and will be disappointed with their progress. Here are some simple questions about what we did in 2013 and then think about what we can do better or differently in 2014.

11 Successful Ways to Shake Up Your Firm

From Financial Planning
Added on December 2013 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: For Jeffrey Thomasson, founder of Oxford Financial Group -smooth waters mean it’s time to rock the boat.Thomasson says Oxford uses several strategies to creatively destabilize the firm’s culture and prevent complacency. Here are 11 that he recommends.

7 Things Every Great Boss Should Do

From INC
Added on December 2013 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Management fads come and go, but some things just don’t change. The fundamental values of good leadership and management determine just how effective you really are as a boss. Great bosses consistently inspire employees to perform well and remain loyal. Needless to say, those qualities play a major role in the long-term success of your business. Therefore, make sure you're doing the following seven things every day:

Six Ways to Create a Smarter Workforce in 2014

From Kenexa
Added on December 2013 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: By now I’m sure you’re busy putting together plans for 2014. Now more than ever, it’s important that your organization gets the most out of its top resource – its people.So before you finalize those plans, Blogger, Tim Geisert wants to share six tips you can use to create a smarter workforce in 2014. Follow this advice, and watch how it energizes your workforce.

Tips For Dealing With Entitlement Issues With Your Gen Y Financial Planning Team

From A Nerd's Eye View
Added on December 2013 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Hiring young "Generation Y" financial planners has its challenges, as today's generation of new financial planners have some fundamentally different views regarding work/life balance and work expectations that will shape how they navigate their careers. Gen Y planner and NAPFA Genesis founder Dave Grant shares some of his experiences with the difficulties of dealing with Gen Y entitlement issues, reflecting on some of his recent challenges with his own entitlement demons that crop up from time to time.

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