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Five Steps to Networking Success

From Advisor Perspectives
Added on December 2014 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Few things are more frustrating than when the time you spend networking with prospective clients produces no results. But I will share some good news: A few simple steps to rethink your expectations and change your approach will dramatically improve the outcome from networking activity.

What women value most in a financial advisor

Added on November 2014 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Trust is an important element in any client-advisor relationship and is especially paramount when working with women. Female clients want financial advisors who are not only technically skilled but exhibit an emotional side as well. Understanding this will go a long way in fostering new, solid relationships.

Struggling to Grow? What Successful Firms Get Right

From Financial Planning
Added on November 2014 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: More than half of financial advisors surveyed by the FPA for its latest study, "2014 Drivers of Business Growth," didn't give their business development process a passing grade, and only 9% described their process as very effective.

Focus Is on Success for Female Financial Planners

From Financial Planning
Added on November 2014 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary:  Emphasizing ways female financial planners can grow their practices and better help each other and their clients, more than 150 attendees on Thursday crowded SourceMedia's Women Advisors Forum to learn and to network.

What top firms do differently with adviser technology

From InvestmentNews
Added on November 2014 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: We do a lot of research here at InvestmentNews around practice management, from taking the pulse of advisory firms' financial performance to benchmarking the compensation and staffing of the elite firms in the industry. But after analyzing a firm's financial health and the single biggest factor on their bottom line — staffing — what practice-oriented feature affects advisory firm performance most?

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