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Advisors: How to Command a Room

From Financial Planning
Added on December 2014 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Janice Hobbs remembers with mixed emotions when Barron's named her as one of its top-ranked financial advisors in 2008. It was great news, but it also meant that she had to speak before a large audience at the awards ceremony

Developing Growth Plans for 2015

From Advisor Perspectives
Added on December 2014 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Every year we talk about formalizing our client referral process, increasing our market presence and setting other growth-related goals. But we start January 1 without real plans in place. What can we do this December to ensure we are successful with our resolutions?

Three Steps for More COI Referrals

From wealthmanagement.com
Added on December 2014 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: There are two critical components for effective COI relationships – personal connection AND structure.  We often talk about getting personal with your CPA and attorney partners.  In our opinion, it’s the most overlooked component of the relationship.  But for today, let’s shift focus to the structural piece of this puzzle.  

How Advisors Can Be the Next Disruptors

From Think Advisor
Added on December 2014 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Financial advisors needn’t fear the ravages of disruptive technology. They can grab the bull by the horns and ride it themselves. That may be the overriding message of experts in advisor technology, including Spencer Segal and Eric Poirier, speaking at MarketCounsel’s annual conference in Las Vegas on Wednesday

5 Smart Strategies to Use in 2015

From Financial Planning
Added on December 2014 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Each advisory practice is unique — you may have different strategic initiatives that are higher up on your list than the ones noted here. That said, I believe these five tactics could give you a competitive advantage, and help you win plenty of ideal new business in 2015.

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