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How Advisors Should Explore the Social Media Universe

Added on July 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Luddites loathe it; old-school types dismiss it. George Clooney scorns it with a passion. Nevertheless, the digital phenomenon called social media is here to stay. And for a growing number of financial advisors, this 21st century networking technology is proving to be a godsend.

A new way for advisers to keep up to speed on clients' life events

Added on July 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Kivvik, a new website for enabling communication between advisers and clients that launches Monday, is looking to put a stop to advisers' calling and emailing haphazardly to get updates on clients' life-changing events.

4 Critical Marketing Considerations for RIAs

Added on July 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: The old adage “Plan your work and work your plan” may be cliché but is often the difference between success and failure to execute your marketing goals. Start by defining very specific and measurable goals. Try to set short term and long term goals that are reasonable and achievable. Next, develop a strategy that details the tactics, resources, budget, and schedule.

Strategies to help advisers craft better, timelier tweets

Added on July 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: With more financial advisers active on social media than ever before, now is the time to learn how to craft better tweets. Engaging your target audience via Twitter is not all that straightforward, after all.

7 traits all successful team leaders share

Added on July 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: As a successful financial adviser, you soon may find yourself leading a team, or adding more staff. Such responsibility comes with expectations that you'll be a good leader and an effective decision maker. While increased responsibility can be daunting — even overwhelming — there are actions that you can take to prepare yourself to perform well in your new role.

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