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Four Steps to a Thriving Wealth Management Practice

Added on October 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: To avoid losing focus, financial advisors should embrace four practice management disciplines that will help them better serve investors and stimulate growth at the same time: sustainability, reliability, referability, and profitability.

5 Digital Marketing Trends for Advisors in 2016: Deena Katz

Added on October 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Deena Katz began her session at Junxure’s third annual advisor conference on Thursday by mentioning she was starting her 40th year in the advisor business. Despite her longevity, the co-chair of Evensky & Katz/Foldes Financial, who has been teaching at Texas Tech University for 10 years, lives very much in the present, with her keen blue eyes focused on the future as well.

How Advisors Can Get Noticed in a Crowded Digital Arena

Added on October 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: When clients need something, they do a search online or ask questions of their friends and family, sometimes in person, but more often than not online via email or Facebook or Twitter. Yet many advisors and firms lean on older techniques, such as direct mailings.

When Family Members Are Clients

Added on October 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Work your warm market” is the mantra for newly minted financial advisors. And what market is warmer than family? They are the most accessible and usually have an interest in supporting your success. They may feel that, as family, you will be more trustworthy and treat their investments with a heightened sense of care and protection. Or maybe they just didn’t know how to say no to you.

Five steps to becoming a thought leader on LinkedIn

Added on October 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary:Recently, I spoke with an experienced adviser who was frustrated that his clients often base important financial decisions on random articles or pieces of information they read online, rather than consult with him for advice. I reminded him that educating his clients is a necessary step in establishing a relationship of trust — a relationship where his clients turn to him for their greatest financial questions and decisions.

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