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6 Ways to Add Oomph to LinkedIn Profiles — And Gain Clients

Added on January 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Thousands of financial advisors have embraced LinkedIn as a huge networking opportunity, a chance to increase their visibility and rub virtual elbows with millions of professional peers and, hopefully, new clients.Yet, many of these aspiring empire builders seldom get past “hello,” because their LinkedIn profiles are dull, buttoned-down, and lack color and personality.

How Advisors Can Best Serve 'Modern' Families

Added on January 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: As family structures in the U.S. have changed significantly over recent decades, so too have the financial concerns of new family configurations. Only 19.6% of U.S. households today represent married heterosexual couples with children, compared to 40.3% of such traditional families in 1970, according to a new report from Allianz.

5 adviser tech trends that will define 2016

Added on December 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: This past year was an explosive one for financial adviser technology.Technology vendors, including competing ones, were announcing full-blown integrations, data aggregation and analytics jumped to the top of advisers' to-do lists, and institution after institution either picked up or announced a robo-adviser platform in the making for its adviser clients.

Best business apps advisers used this year

Added on December 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Who says business apps have to be boring? Here is a list of efficiency-driven apps that save time and money for advisers (and everyone else in their practices!)

Robos: It Is No Longer a Question of Whether but How to Use Them

Added on December 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Digital advisor platforms, commonly referred to as B2B robo advisors, are here to stay.The question is no longer will these platforms survive but rather which one a financial advisor should choose.

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