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Does your office space matter?

Added on May 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: I’ve learned to pay attention to the first 30 seconds when I visit a firm. In the approximately 350 offices I have visited, my first impressions are generally neutral to positive. On occasion, though, a few offices strike an exceedingly positive—or negative—note.

3 email marketing systems that won't break the bank

Added on May 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Here are three affordable email systems can help you kick-start those email marketing campaigns. There are other additional options out there, but these three are a great place to start your search.

Cybersecurity: A Focus for Regulators and Advisors in 2016

Added on May 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Today’s independent financial advisors wear many hats, from portfolio manager to behavioral coach to chief financial officer of their own businesses. But there’s another responsibility that has become increasingly critical in recent years—that of identity protector. With major security breaches and other smaller-scale hacks on the rise, advisors need to understand where they may be vulnerable and what steps they should take to close any open doors to their clients’ sensitive information. It’s a big job, and it’s hard to know where to begin.

Google vet gives advisers marketing lessons

Added on May 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Big data may be a double-edged sword for advisers considering upgrading their marketing department.

Get the most out of conferences

Added on May 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: I usually attend at least 10 financial planning conferences a year, and each time it feels as if I’ve suddenly been transported back to the early 1980s. Our profession has made amazing progress in technology. The practice management sophistication of the hallway conversations is far more advanced than it has ever been.

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