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FAs Must Focus on Planning, Coaching, Managing Emotions

Added on July 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Out of the services advisors provide to their clients — financial planning, tax management, asset allocation, investment selection and portfolio rebalancing — only financial planning truly relies on the “human touch,” writes Jay Hummel, managing director of strategic initiatives and thought leadership at Envestnet.

Create Stability for Clients in an Erratic World

Added on July 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Thus far, 2016 has been marked by the kind of economic uncertainty that tests the nerves of even the most steadfast investors. And unstable markets are particularly difficult for people with erratic incomes — tech entrepreneurs, business owners, actors, and others who can’t rely on a steady paycheck or a consistent annual salary.

Advisors: How To Achieve Optimal Results

Added on July 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: In a recent interview, I was asked if “results” are the most important focus to advisors.  I explained that an ability to achieve results is only a part of the winning equation.  The reporter was shocked and asked me to elaborate.

Are You Offering Financial Planning "Lite"?

Added on June 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: The Department of Labor’s fiduciary rule, released in April, highlights what our affluent research has been telling us for the past decade: The affluent want a professional to oversee the multi-dimensional aspects of their family’s financial affairs and have their best interests in mind.

Advisory firms using creative job titles to attract clients, staff

Added on June 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Financial advisory firms are starting to embrace the trend of using job titles that reflect the spirit of the position.

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