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SEC steps up scrutiny of adviser use of social media

Added on September 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: The Securities and Exchange Commission is taking a closer look at advisers' use of social media by making their activity part of their annual disclosures to the agency.

TD Ameritrade: Advisor Overhead Jumps 31%

Added on August 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Advice practices were hit with a double whammy of rising overhead and slowing asset growth in 2015, and those who let operating costs run away from them may face more of the same this year, according to a new study released by TD Ameritrade Institutional

Why Your RIA Firm Should Blog

Added on August 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: When a visitor does come to your office, you want them to see a reflection of who you are, so they get a sense of what you’re all about. The equivalent digital space to your physical office is your website. And your blog is where people will find out more about you, instead of coming in to your office. It’s where you put your personality on display and your company culture (the one you work to create, like I discussed in this post) for the whole internet to see.

A Seven-Step Plan to Transform Your Practice

Added on August 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Advisory firms face a daunting challenge as they prepare themselves for the latest version of the future. They will have to retool their service offering for a new generation of clients (aka Millennials), who have very different preferences, different advice needs and far more digital sophistication than your Baby Boomer clients ever had.

7 essential elements of top adviser websites [SLIDESHOW]

Added on August 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Websites welcome prospective clients to an adviser’s practice. Here are a few tips from advisers across the industry on the elements that make their websites pop.

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