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Client Response Confirms Firm's Decision to Focus on a Niche

Added on December 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: This time we hear from Evelyn Zohlen, president of Huntington Beach, Calif.-based Inspired Financial. She recalls her choice to focus her practice on women in life transitions, and how one client confirmed she had made the right decision.

3 steps to adviser success

Added on December 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: The question advisers should ask themselves, then, is: What is the best possible future I can envision for myself, my practice and my team? If they understand the answers and stick with the right plan, they should end up taking the right consistent actions.

Staying "Front of Mind" With Referral Partners

Added on November 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Smart professional firms and sellers adopt a variety of tactics to overcome this with the core principle being to nurture the relationship with high potential customers over time. Each interaction – be it a call, a meeting, a useful article clipped and sent, or an email newsletter – is designed to add value to the customer/prospect and to strengthen the relationship. Done well, these approaches have a huge payoff.

Voices - Make clients feel like its their financial plan, not yours

Added on November 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: For many years, comprehensive wealth advisers have been providing financial plans for clients. While each adviser has their own process they walk clients through, the specific processes are likely a bit similar.

Cybersecurity Mistakes Every Hacker Hopes Your Company Makes

Added on November 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Back office IT security is an unsung modern-day hero. When things go right, it runs in the background, practically invisible. But, when something goes wrong, the failure could result in irreparable damage to the firm’s reputation, legal and enforcement costs and potential loss of clients.

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