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Custodians Raise The Bar

Added on December 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Technology continues to be a pressing issue for advisors and the RIA custodians who serve them. Advisors face a host of challenges today. They face cybersecurity problems, complying with the DOL’s fiduciary rule and competition from robo-advisors. At the same time, they must improve their clients’ experience, improve their own efficiency, integrate technology into their business and scale for growth. Every single one of these issues is either directly or indirectly linked to technology.

Defend client data from cybercrime

Added on December 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Occasionally, I receive questions from clients asking where I store client information, and I’m always happy to answer them. Advisers store large amounts of sensitive personal and financial information, and clients deserve to know it’s kept safe.

Pushing that Boulder Up the Mountain

Added on December 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: It can be deflating confronting internal opposition when committing to making transformational changes inside of your practice. It’s like trying to push the proverbial boulder up the mountain.

Three Key Considerations for Implementing a Successful Client Portal

Added on December 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: I’ve heard advisors define their client portal needs by stating they want to deliver an “amazing client experience.” When I ask advisors to describe that, the answers aren’t clear. Let me help you – your client experience will be as amazing as the data is accurate, the information is useful, and the story is understandable.

How advisers can connect with what's most important in clients' lives

Added on December 2016 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Life stage strategies can help financial advisers deepen client relationships and develop unique competitive advantages.

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