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Expensive Technology Presents Advisors with an Unacceptable Trade-Off

Added on April 2017 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: The fiduciary standard is an important part of every advisor’s practice, regardless of what the final draft of the Department of Labor’s proposed regulation states, or when it goes into effect.

How to define yourself as a life insurance adviser

Added on April 2017 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Over the course of my career, I learned that if I didn't define myself, then I was defined by what others said about me. Life insurance advisers distinguish themselves as advisers by first defining their role and responsibilities on the planning team.

Cybersecurity Assessment is Key for Advisor Firms

Added on April 2017 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: For wealth management firms a data breach doesn’t just risk potential monetary loss, according to Cunningham, CIO and chief information security officer of cybersecurity tech provider Docupace Technologies. The reputational damage from a cyberbreach is often too much for an advice practice to recover from, he writes.

Advisers underwhelmed by LinkedIn's matching tool

Added on April 2017 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Financial advisers award LinkedIn's Pro-Finder service a poor grade so far in terms of helping them identify worthy prospects who have become clients. But they're not giving up hope on the business development tool.

Why I Stopped Asking For Referrals. Should You?

Added on April 2017 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Iwish I could give you THE magic referral formula that works across all business and revenue models. There isn’t one. Instead, you get to decide how valuable referrals—client and non-client—are to your current and future business and build your own acid test.

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