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Pointers for Hiring a Great Assistant

Added on November 2013 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: It’s a happy milestone when a financial-advice firm grows big enough to warrant hiring support staff. It can also present a fresh challenge for the founding advisor, who may never before have thought much about how to find trusted employees. WealthManagement.com offers guidelines to help ensure your practice doesn’t turn into a revolving door for underperforming, dissatisfied staffers.

Small Firms Try to Fill Adviser Shortage

Added on November 2013 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Pershing and FA Insight, a Tacoma, Wash., research and consulting firm, estimates that the industry needs 237,000 new advisers within the next 10 years to keep pace with market demand as well as replace those retiring. An average of about $850 billion in new investable assets will come available each year over the next decade. 

Advisors, Take a Bow: The 2013 People and Pay Study

Added on November 2013 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: This year marks the fifth release of the annual FA Insight “Study of Advisory Firms.” The five-year history of the studies underscores the resilience of the advisory industry. During this period, notable for a global financial meltdown that shuttered major Wall Street firms, advisory firms struggled to maintain their footing. Trying times forced firms to tighten management controls with a new level of discipline that appears to have held through a return to stability. 

How adviser salaries stack up to other professions

Added on November 2013 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: InvestmentNews compares data from the recent InvestmentNews/Moss Adams 2013 Compensation & Staffing Study, which collected compensation information from over 400 firms for over 2,000 positions, against data gathered from Salary.com to see how adviser compensation compares against other seasoned professionals in the workforce today. Here is how they stacked up.

As RIAs grow, more hiring chief operating officers to manage their firms

Added on November 2013 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: David Wright is facing a pleasant predicament. Since 2008, assets under management at Sierra Investment Management Inc., the registered investment adviser he co-founded in 1987, have more than tripled to $1.75 billion, and head count has nearly doubled to 20, so Mr. Wright has been forced to look for extra help managing the business. Mr. Wright is part of a growing number of RIAs on the hunt for a chief operating officer to run the day-to-day business, giving advisers time to focus on prospecting for clients and managing portfolios.

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