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Four Tips To Get More PR

Added on February 2014 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: I have spoken on social media and PR at two recent conferences:  an FPA of Massachusetts media training and Barron’s Top Independent Advisors Summit.  In doing so, I realized two things – one, most advisors want more positive publicity, and two, most advisors are still trying to figure out social media.  

8 Hiring Mistakes to Avoid

Added on February 2014 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: At its heart, an advisory firm is a people business: The value delivered is driven almost entirely by its members. Just as advisors would look for the most appropriate assets to deliver on a client's investment objective, firm owners need to understand that the way you staff and motivate your practice will drive your firm's performance.

Intergenerational Planning: Get Clients Talking Now

Added on February 2014 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Clients and their children need to start talking about how to prepare for long-term care during retirement and inheritance before problems and conflicts arise – and advisors can help start the conversation. That’s the message Bob Mauterstock, CFP, delivered at IMCA’s New York Consultants Conference here on Monday.

Advisors: Reframe Retirement for Clients

Added on February 2014 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: As boomer clients near retirement age, advisors must help clients rethink their vision for their golden years. With longer life spans, the financial fact of life is that many boomers will still need to generate some earned income in retirement. They might not retire from work—even once they qualify for age-dependent benefits, such as Social Security and Medicare—but rather will retire to a different kind of work.

3 Step Semi-Painless Relationship Check-up

Added on February 2014 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: It’s time for a semi-painless relationship check-up.  How deep have you gone with your top clients and COIs? Admittedly, it may be more painful for some than others.  But no pain, no gain, right? Here are three steps to making certain you’re building loyalty and penetrating COIs. 

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