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6 Daily Success Habits of World Class Advisors

Added on June 2017 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Over the past week, we’ve been talking about time mastery.  How to go from being a slave to time to getting more done in less time.

Advisory Firms Are at a Growth Crossroads

Added on June 2017 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: A new white paper entitled “Crossroads,” produced by Pershing Advisor Solutions, where I am CEO, and constructed by The Ensemble Practice, reveals the pivotal decisions at each phase of the advisory firm lifecycle. The journey from practice to business passes through several important waypoints. At these junctures, firm owners face key questions such as:

My Firm is Losing Focus on the Financial Aspects of Planning

Added on May 2017 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Over the last several years the advisory industry has trended away from valuing financial expertise in order to put the emphasis on the relational or human side of investing. This makes sense but we have moved too far in the opposite direction. It’s in everyone’s best interest to start valuing the expertise it takes to craft a well-allocated portfolio and to ensure that portfolio is keeping up with client goals and market movements. ​

Why Hiring an Intern Should Be Part of Your Recruiting Strategy

Added on May 2017 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: In an increasingly competitive job market, firms that link internship programs into their recruitment strategy are well-positioned to compete for the best talent graduating from universities and colleges.

How financial advisers can drive more value into their practices

Added on May 2017 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: The increasing cost and complexity needed to operate as a financial adviser in today's environment is creating a market ripe for mergers and acquisitions.

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