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Making a Presentation? Use These Dos & Don'ts

Added on August 2014 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Presentations have become increasingly important marketing tools for top advisors — but they still strike fear into the hearts of many. At my firm, CEG Worldwide, we have been using both in-person and Web-based presentations successfully for years to reach out to our ideal prospective clients, and we now coach elite advisors on how to use them as well.

Organic growth is key to $4.8B firm's success

Added on August 2014 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Ballentine Partners is among the fastest-growing RIAs in the country, and it's one of the few that has built its business organically and without relying on institutional clients to juice its assets. In the past four years, the Waltham, Mass.-based multifamily office has nearly doubled assets under management to $4.8 billion, from $2.5 billion in 2010. In the last year alone, it increased AUM by 25%, according to data collected by InvestmentNews.

6 Behavioral Finance Principles Advisors Need to Know

Added on August 2014 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Most people don’t make very good decisions about their own financial assets, as studies of the human brain have found. A new white paper from First Clearing and Cannon Financial Institute looks at some of the basic principles of neuroeconomics, the study of how people make financial decisions, and how advisors can use those principles to improve client service and communication.

Advisers arming themselves against cyberattacks

Added on August 2014 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Financial advisers are changing their systems and procedures to protect clients and their own firms from the rising incidence of cybersecurity breaches. Advisers are taking such steps as verifying money requests, being more careful about passwords, banning client data from laptops and conducting annual cybersecurity audits to make sure they are protected from online criminals

Top 5 Things Advisors Would Change about Their Businesses

Added on August 2014 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: What would you change about your business? For many of you, it is all about marketing and new business development. In fact, according to a survey by Cerulli*, the average advisor only spends 15.7% of his or her time on new client acquisition. In Rick Henn’s SEI's Practically Speaking guest post, he outlines five simple things that advisors can implement with their marketing plans. Please enjoy Rick’s post.

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