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Don't Let Your Business Control Your Life

Added on June 2017 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: I don't like most business books. I don't like them because they usually take a very complex topic — building a successful business — and dumb it down to what is commonly called “The Hero's Journey.” In their journey, the authors start to climb the mountain, face some challenges, come up with some great ideas and keep climbing until they reach the summit; it's the best thing that they’ve ever done, and they’ve accomplished it.

Six Keys to Confident Presenting

Added on June 2017 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: The person who can best communicate thoughts and feelings to an audience gets heard. For financial advisors, effective communication with prospects, clients, centers of influence and peers is critical. I have developed the Six Keys to Confident Presenting™ as a guideline for the best way to deliver a message to any audience.

Voices 'Enormous' opportunity for independent firms to reinvent themselves

Added on June 2017 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Indeed, we should resist the temptation to focus on regulatory uncertainty in abstract terms and instead concentrate on the motivating factors that led to the increase in regulations in the first place. This approach will allow us to both address the way in which advice will be delivered in the future and to find solutions that transcend many of the burdens that have been placed upon the industry.

What Kind of Advisor Are You, Lifestyle or Enterprise?

Added on June 2017 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: One of the perks of my position is that I get to spend a great deal of time with high-quality financial advisors. I not only get to listen to some of the best discuss what’s working, but I get to advise many of them as an outsider, one that can be objective and even sometimes “call their baby ugly.” In fact, Raef Lee and I have created templates and workflows for the meetings that are streamlining our conversations and deliverables. (Ok, it was mostly Raef that created the templates – and by mostly, I mean 100% – but I do use them.)

Tech Best Practices When Advisors Go Abroad

Added on June 2017 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: How often do you think about your technology tools before you take off on a vacation? When you are traveling domestically, you might not think about it at all. However, when you are traveling internationally, you should plan for how you will stay connected during the trip. Not only are there best practices for you to consider, but you could also save some money if you plan carefully. This list isn't just for advisors; you can share these ideas with your clients, too.

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