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HR Tip: To Increase Sales, Change Your Culture

Added on September 2014 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: At most advisory firms, the founders are the primary rainmakers. They seem to have this innate, magical ability to bring in new business, and their entire firms have grown up around them to support them in that role.  I believe it takes more than monetary rewards to build an organization focused on successful business development. The answer lies in implementing these six key strategies.

You're Just Not That Interesting

Added on September 2014 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: When a prospects asks “what do you do?,” there is nothing you can say, no words that will come out of your mouth, that will be so interesting, so titillating that it will stimulate curiosity to learn more about your professional services.

Going paperless: Advice industry takes on challenge

Added on September 2014 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Girard Securities, a San Diego-based independent broker-dealer, has just completed a yearlong project to go paperless. The paperless project was time-consuming and involved several teams, but it has resulted in better workflow tracking and electronic signatures at the IBD, said Claire Maurer, associate vice president of adviser relations for Girard, which is now in the process of being acquired by Nicholas Schorsch's RCS Capital Corp.

Vonnegut: Navigating the Family Office

Added on September 2014 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: All financial advisers want direct, deeply personal relationships with wealthy families. As the chief investment officer for one Midwest-based family office told me, "The only way to provide valuable advice is to truly understand them."

How Financial Advisors can Subliminally Program Clients to Prospect for Them

Added on September 2014 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: So yes, financial advisors can subliminally program clients to prospect for them.  The seeds you’re planting will take the form of well-timed words planted in the mind of a client.  Let’s take a look at how these seeds (carefully crafted words) can be planted.

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