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Female advisers share secrets for outsourcing

Added on October 2014 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: For female financial advisers, it seems that one of the biggest hurdles to running a successful and fulfilling business is knowing when to offload some work to other parties. A panel of female financial advisers met at InvestmentNews' Women Adviser Summit in New York on Tuesday morning to discuss the business and emotional benefits of outsourcing organizational duties to a trusted third party.

The ultimate payoff of advisers striking strategic partnerships

Added on October 2014 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Most independent advisers spend almost half of their working hours on non-client-facing projects, such as office administration and management, investment research and asset management, and professional development. In other words, advisers dedicate barely half of their time to serving clients!

The evolution of how advisory firms monitor and sustain their success

Added on October 2014 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: 2013 was another period of sky-high revenue and AUM growth and strong profit margins at advisory firms, according to the InvestmentNews 2014 Financial Performance of Advisory Firms. More and more, the modern advisory firm is looking like a business rather than the small practice of the past. That maturation process has been accompanied by an evolution in the way firms monitor and sustain their success.

Why Advisory Firms Need 'Real' CEOs

Added on October 2014 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: When we looked at the data from the latest compensation survey produced here at the Ensemble Practice LLC, we found that the second most common job in the advisory industry is “CEO.” Nearly every firm in the survey had a CEO. Yet when we speak with the partners (owners) of advisory firms, most tell us that there are very few “real” CEOs in the industry.

Advisors: Tips for Staying Balanced

Added on October 2014 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Clients expect their financial advisors to be experts in everything investment-related. But advisors also are expected to deliver high-quality service while they focus on business development.

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