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Coaches Corner: 5 Steps to Creating Systems for Your Practice

Added on October 2014 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: In my previous blog posting in this series (Coaches Corner: Nixing the Top 4 Excuses for Not Building Systems), I addressed the four most common advisor excuses for not establishing standard operating procedures and how to move past those excuses. Systems, standard operating procedures, processes, work flows or whatever you want to call them are primarily designed to be training aids and to ensure continuity in service to clients when staff changes occur. 

Coaches Corner: Nixing the Top 4 Excuses for Not Building Systems

Added on October 2014 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Your time is your most valuable asset as an advisor. Yet as a coach to advisors, I’ve observed how so many of you abuse the time you have by reinventing the wheel over and over again. Doing so only leads to eating up more of your time and effort. It also leads to one glaring realization: the need for systems and processes in everything you do.

How to Win Next Gen Clients

Added on October 2014 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary:Advisors who want to keep practices thriving for the long term need to start making inroads with millennials, the next generation of clients, a relationship consultant emphasized while speaking at the Women Advisors Forum.

3 tips to help advisers zero in on the best client prospects

Added on October 2014 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Today's advisory landscape presents unique challenges for advisers. The numerous forces at play are mostly outside advisers' control, including fee compression, consolidation, rising operating costs and highly correlated markets.

Building a network beyond CPAs

Added on October 2014 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary:Throughout my career, every adviser I've worked with has had the same goal — to increase revenue while maintaining or improving their quality of life. This is a daunting task for the majority of advisers in our industry and a reality for a select few. The question is, then, “How do you join that select group, or if you are already in the select group, how do you keep driving forward?”

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