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Want more clients? Use these social media strategies

Added on March 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: If you have good content, people will read it. But if you have great content, people will share it—and that's key if you want to exponentially grow your business. An effective social media strategy can single-handedly create a following of thousands—and a flow of prospective clients—in just a short period of time.

Pay models evolve beyond 1% of AUM

Added on March 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: The fee-only advice industry that emerged as brokers deserted a commission-reliant business model is now evolving, with advisers working out the best way to get compensated for their services.

Getting Fired By Clients Isn't Always Bad

Added on March 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: I would like to move my accounts,” says the voice on the phone. Your stomach drops and you instinctively want to defend yourself and your firm. “Why?” you finally manage to whisper. Through the rest of the conversation, you struggle to understand the communication disconnect—to explain, defend or even try to persuade the client to stay.

Using Client X's Success Story to Inspire Client Y

Added on March 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Advisor Mike Perry likes to tell his clients about one another: not to satisfy prurient curiosity — and not, of course, as a testimonial — but to show how a particular planning strategy worked for someone else in the past. 

Marketing Tip: How to Tell Your Story

Added on March 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Every financial advisor needs to have a sharp marketing message in order to attract new clients. The strongest message can emerge from a relatable narrative that portrays you as the guide who provides your clients with the tools they need to solve their money woes.

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