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NASAA Mulls Model Cybersecurity Rule for Investment Advisors

Added on June 2017 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: The North American Securities Administrators Association is mulling a model cybersecurity rule for investment advisors and is currently developing cyber guidance and a “checklist” for small advisory firms to use to assess their cyber preparedness.

Q&A: Blogging for Financial Advisors

Added on June 2017 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: There’s no denying that blogging is no longer a luxury but a necessity. Having a blog allows you to share specific knowledge with your stakeholders that you may not dive into on your website. Not only is a blog a great source of knowledge, it also plays a large role in lead generation. Furthermore, sharing your blog content on your social media channels can drive even more traffic to your site.

How to Make Technology Part of Your M&A Strategy

Added on June 2017 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: When technology’s benefits are discussed with advisors, they are most often framed as a way to maximize your staff’s efficiency, lower costs and improve the client experience. In fact, I wrote about how you can improve the client experience and create “wow” moments for your clients using your technology in the first article in this series.

My Firm Lacks Leadership

Added on June 2017 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: I work for a large organization that has very poor leadership. We lack direction, communication and motivation from the very top down to the level of my manager. Some days I feel like I am wasting my time but my clients are so grateful for my help that I don’t want to consider abandoning them.

How the SEC will police advisers' lax cybersecurity

Added on June 2017 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: The SEC may be refining its approach to spurring good cybersecurity practices in advisers, but its expectations aren't slackening.

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