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What's your acquisition strategy?

Added on June 2014 in M&A Issues
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Summary: In wealth management, an increasing number of financial advisers need an exit strategy. The combination of an aging demographic and fewer entrants into the field creates both challenges and opportunities. Acquiring a new business could be the perfect way for younger advisers to catapult their business to the next level. 

New Valuation Tool Gains Traction

Added on May 2014 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Move over, benchmarks and multiples. There's a new valuation tool in town: key performance indicators. While KPIs may not replace multiples of cash flow in a purchase agreement, they are becoming increasingly important as a way for owners of financial advisory firms to enhance the value of their business, according to Owen Dahl, president of Gladstone Analytics.

How do 2 Alpha Dogs Merge?

Added on April 2013 in M&A Issues
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