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For Buyers Only

Added on March 2015 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Henley’s popular poem Invictus was a favorite of Nelson Mandela’s and my grandmother. These lines could be the mantra of most advisors whether buyers or sellers. Advisors have grit. This grit is both the source of our success and the essence our vulnerability. As a buyer, your goal is to grow inorganically. You know you have a lot of company. Our advisory world is full of buyers with few sellers to be seen.

The robo-fication of RIA deal making

Added on March 2015 in M&A Issues
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Summary: The wealth management industry is awash in robo hype. The mainstream introduction of online, automated investment services, known as robo-advisers, has the financial advisory business riveted. Headlines, shop-talk and strategic planning sessions are dominated by the human-versus-technology debate for current and future clients.

Financial Technology M&A Deals: Will Advisors Win or Lose?

Added on February 2015 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Will these deals end in great success or in heartache? Advisors have every reason to be skeptical, but we see reasons to be optimistic about these business combinations. Here are our thoughts on each.

What RIA Buyers Want to Know About Sellers

Added on February 2015 in M&A Issues
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Summary:  Interest in dealmaking remains sky high, but actually closing a transaction is anything but easy. At a breakout session devoted to closing deals at TD Ameritrade's national conference, a trio of prominent buyers of RIA firms discussed what they were looking for when assessing a seller.

Breakaways, Banks & Wealth Managers Seen Leading RIA Deals in 2015

Added on January 2015 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Propelled by breakaway brokers, interest from banks and wealth management success, the growth forecast for advisory firms this year is robust, according to one of the industry's leading investment bankers. 

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