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Culture Clash: Post-Merger, RIA and Private Bank Struggle to Integrate

Added on July 2015 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Integrating a swashbuckling, entrepreneurial wealth management firm into a staid, buttoned-down private banking culture isn't easy: just ask Boston Private Bank & Trust.

Exploring the RIA Phenomenon Called 'The Buyer's Bias'

Added on July 2015 in M&A Issues
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Summary: There is an inescapable truth that exists in the RIA community. The fact is, an overwhelming majority of advisory firms want to buy another firm. Their desire to grow inorganically is the same, whether they have $2 billion, $200 million or $25 million of assets under management. Where does this desire come from? We like to refer to it as the “Buyer’s Bias,” which is comprised of a series of factors that support the notion that along with being human, advisors are vulnerable to human biases.

Valuing an RIA: Which Factors Matter Most

Added on June 2015 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Valuing an RIA reminds me of the classic western The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. You may recall the story of three distinct characters racing to dig up gold buried in a graveyard. Each of the characters is a succinct manifestation of the different ways to value an advisory firm.

New Deal-Making Service Signals Trend Of Industry "Robofication" In M&A

Added on March 2015 in M&A Issues
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Summary: A new product combining technology with M&A consulting services for RIAs was recently launched by AmplifyRIA and RIA Match, off the back of advisor demand for an end-to-end solution that would oversee the entire relationship-matching process.RIA Match Concierge Consulting is aimed at RIAs that are looking to buy, sell, merge or add advisors, led by the chief executive and founder of RIA Match, Mary Ann Buchanan, and Kathleen Asack, founder and principal of AmplifyRIA.

RIA Match and AmplifyRIA Launch New Financial Adviser Deal-Making Service

Added on March 2015 in M&A Issues
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Summary: AmplifyRIA, a Boston based independent consulting firm, and adviser matching service RIA Match, have teamed to create RIA Match Concierge Consulting (RMCC) -- a new service which combines the technology platform with expert M&A consulting for RIAs that are looking to buy, sell, merge, join or add advisors. 

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