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What's Really Happening in the M&A Space?

Added on April 2016 in M&A Issues
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Summary: We keep hearing all of the statistics and seeing all of the headlines: there have been X number of firm sales in the past year, up X% from last year.  But what’s behind those statistics and what do they really mean to the actual buyers and sellers in the marketplace?

How Live Oak Bank Is Solving RIAs' Succession Problem

Added on January 2016 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Even if advisors nearing or at traditional retirement age have formulated succession plans, it's often impossible for younger advisors to think of buying their practices because they lack the funds.

Grab Your Wallet: RIA Buyers And Sellers Gear Up for Busy 2016

Added on December 2015 in M&A Issues
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Summary: As reported from the MarketCounsel Summit, buyers and sellers are gearing up for a busy year for deals as private equity buyers come off the sidelines, attracted by the strong-growth business and “strong” valuations.

RIAs Increasingly Return Customers to M&A Buffet

Added on October 2015 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Inorganic growth is becoming an increasingly fundamental business strategy for many registered investment advisory firms, to the point where many established advisor practices are now becoming experienced buyers engaging in multiple deals.

With Looming M&A Deals, Should Advisors Stay or Go?

Added on October 2015 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Advisors considering a move in the fourth quarter may want to take stock as the end of the year approaches. If you take only one message from a rather tumultuous 2015, you might want to consider this: Build your practice with a firm where retail wealth management is a core business.

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