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The next hot M&A target? Solo advisers

Added on March 2017 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Over 60% of RIAs who are considering an M&A transaction over the next five years plan to acquire a solo adviser, and 47% would like to take over a smaller firm's client accounts by buying its book of business, according to a survey of RIAs by FA Insight, a division of TD Ameritrade Institutional.

Why the M&A party isn't breaking up — yet

Added on January 2017 in M&A Issues
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Summary: At first glance, this could be a tall order, considering the highlights of Echelon Partners' RIA M&A DealBook for 2016, which include an all-time high in the number of transactions (138); the second-highest year of breakaway activity (430 moves); the continuing surge in billion dollar deals (42) and a record high for aggregate AUM of acquired RIAs ($144 billion).


PFI Advisors Industry White Paper: Becoming a Professional Buyer

Added on October 2016 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Our latest industry white paper details the 7 key capabilities that all RIA buyers need to develop before engaging in M&A activity.  This report also highlights four industry leaders and the lessons they have learned from their varied experiences.

Latest RIA mega-deal is a tale of two firms

Added on August 2016 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Two well-known wealth management firms with combined assets of nearly $10 billion — one a rising industry power and the other a fallen one — are combining to form yet another RIA mega-firm.

Six Tips for Avoiding Mistakes When Buying an Independent Practice

Added on July 2016 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Plenty of practices are looking to make acquisitions in today’s environment. And having gone through this process multiple times over the last few years, we know that plenty of mistakes are being made along the way.

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