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Slideshow Mega breakaways: Largest teams to go indie in 2016

Added on December 2016 in M&A Issues
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Summary: The exodus to independence saw a moderate drop-off this year among top-tier advisers. The biggest teams to exit the traditional brokerage model managed a combined $13.3 billion in client assets, and most of them were below the billion-dollar mark. That figure was $18.5 billion in 2015, according to On Wall Street reporting.

2017: The Year of M&A?

Added on December 2016 in M&A Issues
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Summary: After a disappointing 2016 for mergers and acquisitions, next year we’re likely in for a rebound, a new Deloitte report says, with 86 percent of private equity and 71 percent of corporate dealmakers expecting to close more deals in the next year. And

How Attractive is Your Firm to a Seller?

Added on December 2016 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Many aspirational buyers are overconfident in what they believe differentiates them from every other firm out there and focus exclusively on what they are looking for in a seller, failing to appreciate how much competition exits and not taking an objective look at themselves from the seller’s perspective. Especially in a seller’s market such as this, it’s critical that buyers take a hard look at their own firms and honestly answer this question: Why should a seller choose my firm?

M&A tips that can really grow RIAs

Added on December 2016 in M&A Issues
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Summary: RIA growth is "not being realized," Pershing Advisor Solutions' Mark Tibergien said at the MarketCounsel Summit. 

7 Critical Steps to Becoming a Professional RIA Buyer

Added on November 2016 in M&A Issues
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Summary: From aging advisors, to low-cost online competition, to more strict regulatory requirements increasing the overall cost of doing business, savvy buyers are able to capitalize on these trends in order to grow assets and acquire talent through aggressive inorganic growth strategies.

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