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Slideshow Billion-dollar deals and breakaway surge for RIA M&A

Added on January 2017 in M&A Issues
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Summary: 2016 proved to be a record-setting year for RIA M&A deals and the pace shows no sign of slowing this year, according to research and consulting firm Echelon Partners.[11 Slides]

Sanctuary Wealth Services To Close Shop

Added on January 2017 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Sanctuary Wealth Services, in a column by its founder and CEO, Jeff Spears, announced it’s in the process of closing shop after nearly eight years of consulting and providing platform services to “breakaway brokers.”

M&A Activity Sets New Record High In 2016

Added on January 2017 in M&A Issues
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Summary: For the fourth straight year, M&A activity in the wealth management industry set a new record high, according to the "RIA M&A DealBook" from Echelon Partners.   

Voices Top 10 RIA M&A tips for 2017

Added on December 2016 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Thinking of buying or selling an RIA firm in 2017? Here are 10 — OK, 11 — tips that should help.

Slideshow Biggest deals in RIA M&A: No end in sight

Added on December 2016 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Merger and acquisition deals flowed mightily this year, and few expect the torrent to slow in 2017.

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