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What happened when Fidelity Investments called 25 deal-making protagonists to its Boston sanctum for a talk about the suboptimal RIA M&A market

Added on October 2013 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Fidelity Institutional Wealth Services recently held the inaugural M&A Idea Exchange as part of their expanding mergers-and-acquisitions and consulting program for advisory firms. The sole purpose of the gathering was to discuss the state of M&A and how to better support the industry’s growth through M&A.

Is Buying A Financial Planning Practice A Good Way To Start As A Financial Planner?

Added on October 2013 in M&A Issues
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Summary: As the financial planning profession matures, there is a growing interest in the opportunities to buy and sell financial planning practices, both for investors, for existing firms looking to grow, and for new planners looking to enter the business. However, industry statistics suggest that relatively few deals are happening (and are generally only for larger firms).

JPMorgan Tops M&A Charts for Q1

Added on October 2013 in M&A Issues
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Summary: This article discusses important mergers and acquisitions including Berkshire Hathaway and 3G Capital Partners' purchase of HJ Heinz, Dell going private with Silver Lake, and more.

M&A Among RIAs Drops

Added on June 2013 in M&A Issues
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Summary: M&A activity for the first quarter of 2013 is off to a slow start according to Schwab’s report. An increased number of RIA firms are looking to buy and a decreased number are looking to sell. David DeVoe of DeVoe and Company expects to see over 100 external sales per year. The article postulates that sellers are waiting for “the right environment.”

Why the Moss Adams-Rowling Dold merger came apart despite looking picture-perfect on paper

Added on June 2013 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Rebecca Pomering has spent much of her career guiding RIA mergers.  But the failure of the Moss Adams-Rowling Dold merger was proof that even the best looking ones can experience unanticipated pitfalls.  Rowling did not like the transition to having less control and less of a leadership role.  It’s the intangibles that often determine whether the merger will be successful or not; sometimes RIAs just need to take the leap of faith and agree to some give and take.

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