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Stifel's purchase of Sterne Agee likely not its last in the broker-dealer space

Added on April 2015 in M&A Issues
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Summary:  The acquisition of the Sterne Agee Group by Stifel Financial Corp. was classic Ron Kruszewski: find a company in turmoil and buy it on the cheap. It is a strategy that has served the Stifel chief executive well over the past 18 years.


A Primer On Advisor Succession Planning Deals From The Buyer's Perspective

Added on April 2015 in M&A Issues
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Summary: For the past decade, the growth of advisory firms has led to a wave of hiring new planners, many of whom are ultimately anticipated to be the successor to the founding owner. And as time has passed, more and more are reaching the moment of transition when the successor actually does begin to buy into the practice; in fact, even in firms where the owners aren’t looking to exit anytime soon, it is increasingly common to add “junior partners” who will help to grow the firm going forward.

Stop Using Revenue Multiples: Better Tools for Valuation

Added on April 2015 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Rules of thumb can be convenient – and dangerous. When at the butcher, it’s good to know that roughly half a pound of meat will feed a person. Using this rule of thumb helps ensure that your dinner guests don’t leave hungry or you don’t waste a few extra dollars per person.

RIAs Dominate M&A Deals for Second Year Running

Added on April 2015 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Registered investment advisors were the leading acquirers in M&A deals in 2014 for the second year in a row, according to Schwab Advisor Services’ semiannual report, released Tuesday.

RIA 2014 Deal Flow Steady

Added on April 2015 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Like in 2013, last year’s M&A market wrapped up the year with 54 deals completed, totalling $47.4 million in assets under management being transferred in the transactions. In 2013, Schwab reported the 54 deals that year consisted of about $43.7 million in assets.

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