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Latest Mercer move highlights hot M&A demand for smaller firms

Added on July 2017 in M&A Issues
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Summary: RIAs with less than $250 million in AUM remain highly prized in the red-hot M&A market. Mercer’s most recent transaction underscores the desirability of smaller RIAs.

Voices Considering transitioning to a super OSJ? 5 must-read tips for IBDs

Added on June 2017 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Consolidation among smaller and mid-sized firms has become a fact of life in our industry, and acquisitions are a staple of media coverage. What has received less attention has been the number of transactions in which the smaller firm seeks out a deal specifically to get out of the broker-dealer business and become an independent branch of the acquiring firm.

RIA consolidation hits new high in first quarter

Added on May 2017 in M&A Issues
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Summary: The registered investment adviser space rolled into 2017 by consolidating at a record clip, according to the latest report from DeVoe & Co. The first quarter report, released Tuesday morning, counts a record 44 deals during the first three months of the year, versus 36 deals in the fourth quarter of 2016, and eclipses a previous high of 39 deals in the first quarter of 2015.

RIA M&A activity hits all-time high but average AUM of sellers plunges

Added on May 2017 in M&A Issues
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Summary: The sale of smaller RIAs fueled record M&A activity in the first quarter, but also led to a steep decline in average assets under management of the sellers.

Everyone Is Merging

Added on May 2017 in M&A Issues
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Summary: There’s no doubt the advisory industry is consolidating, but it’s not a process of splashy acquisitions. Instead, many top firms are joining forces with like-minded smaller firms, and at times with each other, to form bigger organizations with larger market footprints. Big acquisitions with high valuations garner all the publicity, but a quiet current of mergers is powerfully transforming the industry, and such combinations may become one of the primary succession mechanisms for midsize firms.

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