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Coming RIA custody fees and a new recruiting war catch the attention of deal hounds in Manhattan

Added on October 2016 in M&A Issues
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Summary: The RIA business will likely face two Department of Labor rule-related expenses that will have them applying crowbars to their tightly folded wallets, according to speakers at the  ECHELON Partners Deals & Deal Makers Summit, hosted this week in New York by its founder, Dan Seivert.

How Savvy RIA Buyers Should Negotiate in a Seller's Market

Added on October 2016 in M&A Issues
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Summary: In what many say is a seller’s market for RIAs, how does a buyer stand out and land the deal when other bidders are involved? It comes down to understanding the unique sensitivities of the seller and a little bit of a personal touch, according to a panel of experts at the ECHELON Partners' Deals & Deal Makers Summit in New York on Wednesday. 

In the wake of the DOL fiduciary rule, will adviser M&A surge?

Added on October 2016 in M&A Issues
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Summary: In the wake of the Department of Labor's fiduciary rule, is it deal or no deal for advisers looking to sell their firms? Two leading financial advice industry executives gave pointedly different answers to that question Wednesday morning at an industry conference in New York.

Where one of the fastest-growing RIAs is going — and how it plans to get there

Added on October 2016 in M&A Issues
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Summary: One of the industry's fastest growing wealth managers has crossed the $2 billion AUM mark — and says it's just getting started.

5 things to know before playing the M&A game

Added on September 2016 in M&A Issues
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Summary: For those who are ever involved in a merger or acquisition, it will probably be the single most important financial transaction of their lives. For buyers, it can accelerate their growth far beyond what would otherwise be possible. For sellers, it can turn their hard-earned equity into cash to finance the next stage of their live

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