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RIAs Have More Options for Funding Mergers

From Financial Advisor IQ
Added on September 2014 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Investment banks, custodians and boutique lenders are starting to rally behind independent RIAs in need of capital for merger deals, according to Institutional Investor.

NFP Advisor Services Publishes Study on Advisor Acquisition ROI

From Business Wire
Added on September 2014 in M&A Issues
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Summary: NFP Advisor Services, which provides technology, service and asset management platforms to financial advisors, including RIAs and hybrids, and is a business segment of NFP, a leading provider of benefits, insurance and wealth management services, today published the results of a study that reveals what separates an alpha acquisition (one in which advisors rated “very satisfied”) from non-alpha and near-alpha acquisitions.

Make a Successful Acquisition: 3 Key Rules

From Financial Planning
Added on September 2014 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Financial advisor acquisitions are multiplying. Their pace is likely to accelerate as graying advisors retire. This prompted us to commission research on what separates the most successful acquisitions from the rest.

What Really Determines Your Firm's Value

From Financial Planning
Added on September 2014 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Thinking about selling your advisory firm or valuing it for succession planning? Think discounted cash flow. "The future cash flow - essentially the profitability - of an acquired company pays back an investor on their investment," explains valuation expert and strategic consultant David DeVoe. "The best way to value a company is to determine what those future cash flows will be."

How much is an RIA acquisition really worth?

From InvestmentNews
Added on September 2014 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Given the oft-cited graying of the RIA industry, many advisers seek to monetize their businesses and provide continuity for their partners and clients alike. Acquisition negotiations raise numerous difficult issues, but a threshold hurdle is how much a prospective acquirer believes an RIA is worth versus the owner's perception of its market value.

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