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5 steps to building enterprise value

From InvestmentNews
Added on December 2014 in M&A Issues
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Summary: As advisers you have the job of measuring value: The value of assets, the value of a trade, the value you bring to your relationships with your clients. But the ultimate value, that all of these things build to, is the total value of your business.

Big RIAs Say Business Acquisitions Are Up This Year

From Financial Advisor Magazine
Added on November 2014 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Large registered investment advisors predict that consolidation in the financial services industry will have accelerated in the year ended June 2015, according to a survey by TD Ameritrade Institutional released Thursday.

The Rise of the Mini-Aggregator

From wealthmanagement.com
Added on November 2014 in M&A Issues
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Summary: When Constantine Hatzivassiliou was deciding to leave The Bank of New York Mellon, it took him about a year to figure out where to go. He wanted a firm that offered trust services, fiduciary-level advice and a more customized level of service to his clients. If Hatzivassiliou is any indication, some individual RIA firms are emerging as true competitors to the large aggregator firms.

Study: Succession Could Drive Further RIA Consolidation

From WSJ Online
Added on November 2014 in M&A Issues
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Summary: A survey of  TD Ameritrade's  largest registered investment advisory firms that use its services showed that 72% of those advisers, who manage more than $1B in client assets, expect further industry consolidation in the coming year, while 10% said they expect a “significant” jump in activity ahead.

To Ensemble or Not To Ensemble

From wealthmanagement.com
Added on October 2014 in M&A Issues
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Summary: While outright acquisitions and deals get all the media attention, mergers are quietly transforming the industry. At the time you read this, thousands of advisors are negotiating the combination of their practices with others in order to create scale, leverage each other’s skills, gain resources, and tackle succession. Perhaps the fastest and best way to grow into a bigger firm is by merging with another business.

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