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Executives Debate: Should RIAs Go Public?

From Financial Planning
Added on September 2015 in M&A Issues
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Summary:  Do the benefits of going public outweigh the disadvantages? Top financial advisory industry executives weighed in with forceful arguments for both sides of the issue at the keynote session of the annual Deals and Deal Makers Summit, “Demystifying the Financial Engineering of Deal Makers.”

RIA Deal Makers' Shopping List: What They Want

From Financial Planning
Added on September 2015 in M&A Issues
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Summary: What are M&A deal makers on the hunt for advisory firms really looking for – and what kind of deals are they offering? Many of the industry’s top M&A executives attended the annual Deals and Deal Makers Summit, and Financial Planning sat down with three of them to get a report from the trenches.

How - and Why - M&A Deals Are Getting Done Now

From Financial Planning
Added on September 2015 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Thinking of buying or selling an RIA? The advisory industry’s impressive growth record -- and potential for continued success – likely makes this a great time to pull the trigger.

Are RIA Firms Really Too Happy To Sell Out?

From Financial Advisor Magazine
Added on September 2015 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Persistently good markets have made potential sellers hesitant to get out while they enjoy strong cash flow from their businesses, said Dan Seivert, chief executive of Echelon Partners, a mergers and acquisitions consultant.

M&A Twist: Advisors Find Good Reasons to Buy Asset Managers

From Financial Advisor IQ
Added on September 2015 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Big fund firms like BlackRock and Fidelity are scurrying to get into the robo-advising game. But in a twist focused on creating closer ties between traditional financial advice-giving and investment management, one midsize wealth manager is merging its business with a pure-play asset manager.

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