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Top 10 Mistakes in Mergers and Acquisitions

From Capital Advisors Blog
Added on January 2016 in M&A Issues
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Summary: The merger and acquisition process can be daunting to someone who has no experience and isn't working with a broker.  Over the years we have heard a number of horror stories and so we have compiled the following list of the top 10 mistakes in mergers and acquisitions.

Cerulli: Large Advisors Best Poised To Grow By Acquisition

From Financial Advisor
Added on January 2016 in M&A Issues
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Summary: So-called advisor “mega teams” with more than $500 million in assets under management are in the best position to acquire a book of business from another advisor, according to analysis from Cerulli Associates, the Boston-based global analytics firm.

How Live Oak Bank Is Solving RIAs' Succession Problem

From Investment Advisor
Added on January 2016 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Even if advisors nearing or at traditional retirement age have formulated succession plans, it's often impossible for younger advisors to think of buying their practices because they lack the funds.

The Top 10 RIA Deals of 2015

From wealthmanagement.com
Added on December 2015 in M&A Issues
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Summary: RIA firms and consolidators—defined as an organization whose business model is predicated on making RIA acquisitions—have dominated M&A over the last couple years. But lately private equity firms and banks are again buying RIA firms.

The Path to Closing an M&A Deal

From wealthmanagement.com
Added on December 2015 in M&A Issues
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Summary: In today’s M&A-rich environment, many advisory firms are looking to get in on the action. But most would-be buyers and sellers come up empty because of unreasonable expectations.

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