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Why Even the Best-Laid M&A Deals in Wealth Management Can Fail

From WealthManagement.com
Added on July 2017 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Even the most logical, well-thought-out mergers and acquisitions between wealth management firms can fail. But companies can do a lot to make sure they identify a bad fit before it's too late.

5 strategies to boost your RIA's valuation

From Financial Advisor
Added on July 2017 in M&A Issues
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Summary: [Slide Show] Demand for RIA firms is high, and supply is limited. As a result, some advisers considering retirement are holding off while the value of their business continues to rise.

National Holdings' acquisition of broker-dealer WFG Investments and its 200 advisers called off

From InvestmentNews
Added on July 2017 in M&A Issues
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Summary: National Holdings' deal to acquire WFG Investments, an independent broker-dealer, has fallen apart.

Latest Mercer move highlights hot M&A demand for smaller firms

From Financial Planning
Added on July 2017 in M&A Issues
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Summary: RIAs with less than $250 million in AUM remain highly prized in the red-hot M&A market. Mercer’s most recent transaction underscores the desirability of smaller RIAs.

Voices Considering transitioning to a super OSJ? 5 must-read tips for IBDs

From Financial Planning
Added on June 2017 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Consolidation among smaller and mid-sized firms has become a fact of life in our industry, and acquisitions are a staple of media coverage. What has received less attention has been the number of transactions in which the smaller firm seeks out a deal specifically to get out of the broker-dealer business and become an independent branch of the acquiring firm.

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